(Last updated on June 24th, 2002)
Volunteer Programme: Society for the Promotion of Rational Thinking (SPRAT)
SPRAT offers scope for use of different skills - from reconstruction of destroyed huts to finding alternative gainful occupations. But a major initiative relates to assessment of damages suffered by persons and properties. A mammoth task by any standard, this requires time commitment of a certain length. Ideally, two weeks to two months may be a realistic duration.
For volunteers committing their whole time and talent, we would be pleased to take care of modest, shared accommodation and frugal meals. What better can be arranged from a ravaged community?
Graduates plus, perhaps with some communication/quantitative analysis/documentation skills would be ideal. Both men and women are needed. However the work calls for a serious commitment and organise approach. Smooth transition and uninterrupted workflow would be necessary.
Please let SPRAT know [Co-ordinators: J P Tripati, Williams] brief details of the desirous volunteers.
In solidarity,
M H Jowher
SPRAT[Society for the Promotion of Rational Thinking]
Adm. Office: SF-8, Rajnagar Complex, Narayan Nagar Road, Paldi, AHMEDABAD 380 007
Regd Office: A-1, Moonbaker Duplex, Rajnagar Complex, Vishwakunj, Paldi, AHMEDABAD 380 007 INDIA